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Helping you get a job and build your career
Our commitment to your career doesn’t end at graduation. We provide employment support to help you successfully move from training to a rewarding career in the construction trades. Our goal is to help you secure stable employment and continue developing your professional skills.
In-class resume development and cover letter writing
Our team assists you in creating professional resumes and cover letters that highlight your skills, training, and experience specific to the construction trades and apprentices. We provide one-on-one coaching to help your application materials stand out to potential employers.
Interview preparation
We offer workshops and mock interviews to help you be ready for job interviews specific to the trades and apprentices. Our staff will guide you through common interview questions within the trades and provide feedback to improve your answers and confidence.
Interview preparation
We offer workshops and mock interviews to help you be ready for job interviews specific to the trades and apprentices. Our staff will guide you through common interview questions within the trades and provide feedback to improve your answers and confidence.
Job retention and career development
Beyond securing employment, we support you in keeping your job and growing in your career. We offer advice on workplace etiquette, effective communication, and handling job-related challenges.
Job retention and career development
Beyond securing employment, we support you in keeping your job and growing in your career. We offer advice on workplace etiquette, effective communication, and handling job-related challenges.
Job referrals and networking opportunities for work-ready grads
When you are ready to get your first trades job, we connect you with a network of industry partners who are eager to hire Trade Winds graduates. Our strong relationships with employers mean you’ll have access to job openings and networking that can lead to long-term career growth.

Our support doesn’t stop once you’ve got a job. We welcome all graduates to return for assistance whenever needed. Our motto,
“Once a Trade Winds Graduate, Always a Trade Winds Graduate,” reflects our dedication to your lifelong success.
How to access
employment support
Maintain contact with Trade Winds staff to receive updates on job opportunities and workshops. Join our alumni network to be informed about new resources and support services.
Our team is here to support you at every stage of your career, whether you have questions about apprenticeship or need support to overcome an obstacle.